"When people ask how those without access to systems of power might combat the rising fascist tide — think of graffiti. The radical orgs of the 70s knew this. It’s visible, it sticks in the mind, it establishes the presence of the speaker not as an individual but as a representative of the collective."
— John Darnielle
4×6" is an archive of radical posters intended for reproduction on 4-by-6-inch thermal shipping labels. Thermal labels are self-adhesive and easy to acquire in bulk. A thermal printer is cheap, low-tech, and never requires ink.
All the designs on this page are free and public-domain. Download, print, and stick them. Reclaim public space.
©/ 4x6.info
To submit your own labels to 4x6 please email a black-and-white 4x6 PNG to submit@4x6.info.
©/ 4x6.info